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Jane's reviews

Sleepy Willow's Heartless Soul: The Narcoleptic Vampire Series: 2

Sleepy Willow's Heartless Soul - Dicey Grenor The appearance of Max and his refusal to set Willow free strengthens her resolve in this book, making her tougher and not such a pushover. I like this Willow she angered me a little in ‘Bonded Soul’ when she was so easily overpowered by mere mortals, but not here; She is determined, strong and on a mission.

This story carries on nicely from book 1 and contains a diverse set of characters some old, some new… the diversity was one reason I loved ‘Bonded Soul’ so much. I took point 5 off my rating for the first in the series because it didn’t keep me quite as hooked towards the end as it had done in the beginning . I won’t do that here because Dicey Grenor writes in a way that I love to read. Her work is edited well, the plot is totally different to any I have read before and I really love to read her books. I am just sad that she hasn’t got 20 novels already out there to keep me going!!…….I can’t wait for book 3.