What is matchmaking? It’s the simple act of bringing two people together… ha, I think Julia may have realised that there is nothing ‘simple’ about it!!
Everybody should have a friend like Julia, not for her annoying matchmaking tendencies, but for the entertainment she provides when her plans don’t go quite according to plan! All she wants is for everyone to be in a relationship, for them to be as happy as she is, in her marriage to Javier, so she makes it her mission to pair up every single person she knows. Unfortunately love isn’t quite that simple and the people she thinks are perfect for each other aren’t always that well suited.
Finding a Man for Sylvia is a fun read, narrated by Julia we get to hear all her good intentions first hand, and learn that she isn’t the annoying busy body she may outwardly appear, instead she is a sensitive soul who just wants to spread the happiness, well her idea of it anyway! The book has a definite feel good factor and is an ideal companion for lunch time and coffee breaks….although be sure to set your alarm or you will be late back to work.
The writing and plot style put me in mind of Sophie Kinsella so if you enjoy her books this is one for you. A thoroughly, entertaining read.
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