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Starchild: The City of Souls

Starchild: The City of Souls (Starchild #2) - Vacen Taylor Starchild: The City of Souls by Vacen Taylor

4 Stars

Carrying on from book one Mai, Long, Akra and Sarib continue on the next leg of their journey to the valley of a thousand thoughts. Each chapter carries it’s own mini adventure keeping the story fast paced and flowing well enough to keep the target audience engaged. Suitable for both boys and girls The City of Souls is an exciting action packed story with interesting characters and a cute little lizard named Barka.

My only concern is that younger children or less able readers may struggle with the pronunciation of some of the character and place names and I often wonder why writers of fantasy feel the need to bombard their readers with these odd words!

This is exactly the type of book I would have chosen as the story for bedtime reading when my girls were younger, the chapters are a good length and the story would stimulate their imagination to take them into a land of wonderful dreams.

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